At LWGC, our recreational program has been carefully designed to ensure all gymnasts have a well rounded gymnastics experience, with the opportunity to develop on all apparatus.
At the beginning of each term, every gymnast is given a new 'Skills Work Card' suitable for their age and level. This follows on from their last Skills Work Card and allows them to continue to progress the skills they have been working on. Should any child exceed the level on their current Skills Work Card, they will be moved on to the relevant 'Adavanced Skills Work Card' for further progression.
Skills Work Card's are divided into different pieces of apparatus and each piece of apparatus has its own focus. This creates a comprehensive set of gymnastics skills on each Skills Work Card.
Throughout the term, your child is continually assessed in class and Coaches enjoy 'stamping off' skills when gymnasts; develop (PASS), achieve (MERIT) and/or master (DISTINCTION), the skills on their Skills Work Card. A lovely way to conintually celebrate success as these mile stones are reached!
At the end of term we dedicate the last week to 'CELEBRATION WEEK'.
All gymnasts are presented with a medal that reflects their level and states whether they have achieved a Pass, Merit or Distinction overall.
Accompanying this, all gymnasts will be given a REPORT CARD which provides a summary of what they have been working on and what they have achieved.
Please keep all Skills Work Card's and Report Cards in your childs PROGRESS DIARY for future reference and reflection. It is always rewarding to see how far they have come!
Celebration Week is one of our favourite weeks of each term! It is an absolute joy to see the gymnasts pride and sense of achievement when their hard work is recognised. Parents are encouraged to come into the foyer and watch the presentations, which happen at the end of their childs class during Celebration Week.
Take photos and create special memories in our dedicated photo area! Don't forget to Tag @LeamingtonandWarwickGymnasticsClub or @LWGC in your photos so we can share and celebrate gymnasts success on our socials!