LATEST UPDATE FROM LWGC 19.3.2020 18:30pm

Updated further: 20.3.20
Our fees are now under review and we will be sending out an email in due course outlining our plans for fees now that we are closed for our usual classes for the time being. We hope that it will help you make a more informed decision on your plans for the future.
Dear Member,
As you all know, the UK Government announced on Wednesday that all UK schools will close on Friday 20th March. This has come as no surprise to many of us, and at LWGC we have been busy putting plans in place for our members for any period when we might not run classes as usual.
As promised, we continue to take advice from British Gymnastics our governing body and of course, the latest updates from the UK Government. The situation has been under continuous review and this evening, despite our all very best efforts, and with the interest of our families and coaches at heart
we have made the difficult decision to close our doors for usual classes at 8.30pm tonight, Thursday 19th March 2020 until the 30th April.
There will be no timetabled classes running from the gym from 19th March to 30th April. For the four weeks that classes will not be running from the gym, each gymnast will accrue four weeks/hours of gymnastics sessions to be made up in the Summer/school holiday period. We will offer make up classes, so your child has not missed out. So, if you're a family who struggles for activities in the Summer, gymnasts can come here, you will have already paid for these activities, so will help spread the cost too!
Your children’s classes are continuing online! We’re excited to announce that we have been working round the clock so that we can continue to support your children's physical & mental wellbeing. Keep up their fitness, improve their skills, flexibility and development in our weekly, home gymnastics sessions! PLUS Interactive challenges, Games, Activities, Pulse Raisers and FUN for ALL the family! This content will be exclusively for members only.
We are taking this one step at a time and are currently working on being able to give you options should we be unable to run classes as usual from May or for an extended period. We will share these with you in due course.
Please bear with us whilst we collate all of the information and advice from various bodies, plan our finances and get the detail of our plans together and share clear information with you.
We cannot thank you enough for your continued support and understanding.
Everyone at LWGC is working hard for you and our gymnasts at this very difficult time, to secure the future of our club, for our members, our coaches and the community who mean so much to us.
Please assure your gymnasts that we care, about them, the club we all love so much and all of our families.